This study aimed at cross-culturally translating and adapting the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ), and then evaluated the psychometric properties of the resulting instrument. The PSSUQ was culturally adapted to suit the Arabic context in accordance with standard guidelines. The psychometric evaluation of the resulting Arabic version of the questionnaire (A-PSSUQ) involved assessing content validity and face validity, conducting a factor analysis, and testing reliability by internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha). The validity assessment indicated that the A-PSSUQ had a high level of validity, where the scale-content validity index value was 0.931 and the scale-face validity index value was 0.975. In addition, the factor analysis revealed that the structure of the A-PSSUQ was similar to that of the original questionnaire, consisting of a three-factor 16-item solution (accounting for 78.275% of the explained variance). The A-PSSUQ also exhibited high internal consistency, with a Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.956 for the whole questionnaire, 0.913 for the system quality subscale, 0.883 for the information quality subscale, and 0.890 for the interface quality subscale. These results indicate that the A-PSSUQ is a valid and reliable instrument that can be used by Arabic usability practitioners when performing usability research.